GGEMS  1.1
GPU GEant4-based Monte Carlo Simulations
geometries Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for geometries:


file  GGEMSBox.hh [code]
 Class GGEMSBox inheriting from GGEMSVolume handling Box solid.
file  GGEMSGeometryConstants.hh [code]
 Geometry tolerances for navigation.
file  GGEMSPrimitiveGeometries.hh [code]
 Structure storing some primitive geometries.
file  GGEMSRayTracing.hh [code]
 Functions for ray tracing computation used as auxiliary functions in OpenCL.
file  GGEMSSolid.hh [code]
 GGEMS class for solid. This class store geometry about phantom or detector.
file  GGEMSSolidBox.hh [code]
 GGEMS class for solid box.
file  GGEMSSolidBoxData.hh [code]
 Structure storing the data for solid box.
file  GGEMSSphere.hh [code]
 Class GGEMSSphere inheriting from GGEMSVolume handling Sphere solid.
file  GGEMSTube.hh [code]
 Class GGEMSTube inheriting from GGEMSVolume handling Tube solid.
file  GGEMSVolume.hh [code]
 Mother class handle solid volume.
file  GGEMSVolumeCreatorManager.hh [code]
 Singleton class generating voxelized volume from analytical volume.
file  GGEMSVoxelizedSolid.hh [code]
 GGEMS class for voxelized solid.
file  GGEMSVoxelizedSolidData.hh [code]
 Structure storing the stack of data for voxelized and analytical solid.