GGEMS  1.1
GPU GEant4-based Monte Carlo Simulations
physics Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for physics:


file [code]
 Compton Scattering process from standard model for Geant4 (G4...)
file [code]
 GGEMS class handling the cross sections tables.
file [code]
 GGEMS mother class for electromagnectic process.
file [code]
 GGEMS class computing log table for cut convertion from length to energy.
file [code]
 Class managing the particles in GGEMS.
file [code]
 Photoelectric Effect process using Sandia table.
file [code]
 GGEMS class managing the processes in GGEMS simulation.
file [code]
 GGEMS class storing and converting the cut in energy cut.
file [code]
 GGEMS class managing the range cuts in GGEMS simulation.
file [code]
 Rayleigh scattering process using Livermore model.