GGEMS  1.1
GPU GEant4-based Monte Carlo Simulations
tools Directory Reference


file  GGEMSChrono.hh [code]
 Namespace computing/displaying the time.
file  GGEMSPrint.hh [code]
 Print a custom std::cout end std::cerr handling verbosity.
file  GGEMSProfiler.hh [code]
 GGEMS class handling a specific profiler type.
file  GGEMSProfilerItem.hh [code]
 GGEMS class handling a specific item profiler.
file  GGEMSProfilerManager.hh [code]
 GGEMS class managing profiler data.
file  GGEMSRAMManager.hh [code]
 GGEMS class handling RAM memory.
file  GGEMSSystemOfUnits.hh [code]
 Namespace storing all the usefull physical units.
file  GGEMSTools.hh [code]
 Namespaces for different useful fonctions.
file  GGEMSTypes.hh [code]
 Redefining types for OpenCL device and host.